Snow Removal
Vehicle modification | Integration

Liquid Sprayer
Snow Plow
Snow Brush
FOD Sweepers
Products | Consuming parts

Single sheet (2m)
Double sheet (4m)
Thriple sheet (6m)
Special Equipment
Oil | GAS

Customized tools
Water jet washers.

Solid and Liquid de-icer Spreaders

We are manufacturing Salt Spreaders from 2005. Our special designs and cooperation with the best component manufacturers make our products more durable and robust while the operation is easy and modernized. Chain conveyor makes a non-stop and continues winter service operation with all kinds of sands and salts. The fully proportional controlled hydraulic system is the choice of world-known manufacturers.
Airfields and Roadways

Snowplow manufacturing was started in 2011. The unique design of our snowplows makes them able for smooth snowplowing on roadways and highways. We are manufacturing airfields special snowplows. High widths while a lightweight and fully electronic control is the basic borders of the products. All airfields snowplows have an emergency manual control that can operate the snowplows with no electric source.
E Series
Heavy trucks

Pre-wetting system
Mounting on vehicle chassis
Mounting on tipper box
12 m Spreading
Hopper:4-6 m³
Power Sources

C Series
Light trucks

Mounting on vehicle chassis
Mounting on tipper box
12 m Spreading
Hopper:6-9 m³
Power Sources

Airfield Series
Heavy trucks

Mounting on vehicle front
Jockey wheels
Electric powerpack
30° Lateral angle
Power Sources

Roadway Series
Heavy and Light trucks

Mounting on vehicle front
Folding blades
Electric powerpack
30° Lateral angle
Power Sources

FOD Sweeper
FOD Sweeper Rugs are the most cost-effective sweepers that suit for military and low traffic airports. This product is non-motorized and only needs to tow by a pickup or tractor. The operator will drive at 30 km/h and the rugs will collect all FODs from airdromes magically.
Single Rug Sweeper | Double Rug Sweeper | Triple Rug Sweeper |
2 meter sweeping width | 4 meter sweeping width | 6 meter sweeping width | Driving at 30 km/h | Driving at 30 km/h | Driving at 30 km/h | 6000² m/h | 12000² m/h | 18000² m/h |